Cultural Night

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Cultural Night Visit Nagoya

名古屋最古 400年の歴史を持つ料亭と言う特別な空間で


Cultural Night project offers guests a casual glimpse of Japanese culture exclusive
to Nagoya, Japanʼs “Place of Art,” in a restaurant with a 400-year history.
Whether visiting from around the corner, around the world, or anywhere in
between, we ofer guests educarional entertainment, including performances of
Japanese buyo dance, classical Japanese instruments, samurai sword performance,
Japanese traditionalmagic, and sutra readings, as well as the chance to try on
kimono or experience ozashiki-asobi(traditional Japanese parlorgames).
We offer visitors access to the artistic potential in Nagoya in efforts to help them
enjoy their visit with no regrets and realize the regionʼs charms.

As for Caltural Night

時間 (Time)

(Time is from 9:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.)

(”Waso Kajiura” is in charge of the event on Thursday)

料金 (Charge per person)

5,000 yen (税込/including tax)
※1ドリンクの料金を含みます(Includes one beverage)

開催場所 (Place) 料亭 河文(KAWABUN)
所在地 (Location) 〒460-0002
愛知県名古屋市中区丸の内 2 丁目 12-19
(2-22-19 Marunouchi, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi,
Aichi-ken 460-0002)
アクセス (Access) 地下鉄鶴舞線・桜通線「丸の内」駅
2 番もしくは 4 番出口より徒歩 5 分
(By Subway, take the Tsurumai Line or
Sakura-dori Line to Marunouchi Station.
From Exit 2 or 4, itʼ s about five minutesʼ
walk to the restaurant.)タクシーJR 名古屋駅東出口より約 5 分
(By taxi, itʼ s about 5 minutes
from the east exit of Nagoya Station.)
※As we do not have our own parking area,
we suggest you take public transportation
or use one of the coin-operated parking lots
in the neighborhood.)
9:30 p.m. 受付(Doors open)
10:00 p.m. 鑑賞(Appreciation performance)
10:20 p.m.~11:00 p.m. 写真撮影、お話、お座敷遊び・古典芸能体験
(Take pictures,Talk with performers,
Experience of traditional performing arts)


” Waso Kajiura” will be in charge of the kimono show.
Dressing dance and obi knot dance,It is a traditional show
that can be enjoyed by Overseas customers and Japanese people.

予約方法(How to Reserve)


You can make reservations either by online ticketing
via the Kawabun website or by phone.



You can also make a reservation at “aso view!” .


お申し込みに関する留意点(Notes on Application)

  • ※Target age is 20 years or older.
  • ※We carry out than 10 people. It may be canceled if the minimum in not reached
    four days in advance. In which case we will so inform you three days in advance.
    We will refund the full participation charge remitted and terminate your
    participation agreement for that event. We will get in touch with you via the HP
    or phone and will inform you of other dates etc.
  • ※Please note that the number of performance also fluctuates according to the
    number of participants on the day.
  • ※Additional drinks can be ordered on a pay-as-you-go basis.

和装カジウラへのお問い合わせ(Inquiries to Waso Kajiura)

お問い合わせ・お申し込み (Inquiry, Application)

お名前 (name)(必須)
電話番号 (tel)
お問い合わせ内容 (inquiry details)(必須)

(You can also make a reservation by telephone or e-mail.)





LINEからもお問い合わせいただけます TEL 052-253-9477 受付時間 10:00 - 18:00  土・日・祝日もOK




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